hotovo | done !

pondělí 23. března 2020

PHASE 1 - 2nd week - Valentine G. & Chloé R. - 23.03.2020




1 komentář:

  1. Hello,
    short resumé from Yesterday:
    "The Arc" is more art concept, statue, it looks too complicated. Maybe you can find more simple form to get similar efect. This proposal would need some repetition in all public space, similar to former "Rings" by Chloé.
    Perhaps some concentration to "make place", create meeting point or chill out zone according to task.
    First idea with curved floor and ceiling (with mirror efect) looks more interactive, more place-making. You have to focus on simply construction, real dimensions and joints, everything in human scale. Opening on the side is very important, it makes "scene" instead of "path".
    You have to decide what are you doing: the platform or the stairs, think about ergonomy.
    Maybe you can use just foil instead of boards or glass mirror...
    You have to choose one main principle.
    Make this the most simply as possible.
    Go forward in architecture drawings (plans, elevations, sections, details).
    Think about how to assembly your structure all the time.
